Ljubljana, 02.08.2021 – 14.08.2021


Med 2. in 14. avgustom 2021  v Dijaškem domu Ivana Cankarja poteka mednarodna izmenjava mladih, ob podpori programa EU, Erasmus+.  V projektu BITI permaKul bo sodelovalo 60 mladih, ob domači skupini še udeleženci iz Bosne in Hercegovine, Italije in Jordanije.
Tema izmenjave je ekologija, s poudarkom na vprašanjih povezanih s podnebnimi spremembami, pridelovanjem hrane ter o pomenu biotske in kulturne ter družbene raznolikosti.
Potekala bo v obliki različnih delavnic: permakulturne delavnice s postavitvijo visokih gred, plesno-gledališka, glasbena in video delavnica ter delavnica street art-a in grafitov. Namen delavnic je praktično učenje in ozaveščanje mladih o aktualnosti in resnosti izpostavljene tematike s pomočjo umetniških praks in orodij.
K izmenjavi bo svoj pečat zagotovo prispevala »nova realnost«, povezana z Covidom 19 in pandemijo. Ta je že lani krojila usodo projekta, saj smo ga preložili za celo koledarsko leto, letos pa se bomo poskušali  s »kontekstualnim pristopom« z njo soočiti.
Covid 19 je pravzaprav povezan z v projektu obravnavanimi temami. Po svoje je neke vrste »skupni imenovalec« težav, globalni izziv s katerim se soočata človeška družba in planet v celoti.
Projekt je za nas – kot to velja tudi za krize na splošno – priložnost, da pridobimo nova znanja in veščine, kako se s krizo in novo realnostjo soočiti v  sedanjih in prihodnjih situacijah.
Izmenjava se bo zaključila s predstavitvijo postavljenih visokih gred ter s produkcijami delavnic.
V okviru izmenjave bo organizirana tudi ekskurzija – obisk Permakulturnega inštituta v Mariboru ter predavanje »Planet, ki ne raste – ovira ali izziv za drugačen razvoj«, prof. dr. Lučke Kajfež Bogataj, kateremu bo sledil razgovor z udeleženci izmenjave.

Ljubljana, 02.08.2021 – 14.08.2021



KUD Pozitiv, ustanovljen leta 2000, deluje v neposredni povezavi z Dijaškim domom Ivana Cankarja in vključuje dijake, bivše dijake ter druge mladostnike in zunanje strokovne delavce povezane z mladinskim delom v domu. Dejavnosti skupine Pozitiv segajo na področje medijskih in scenskih umetnosti kot so: ples in gledališče, publicistična dejavnost, video, film in internet. Namen teh dejavnosti je animacija mladih za kreativno zapolnitev prostega časa, učenje novih veščin ter kritično osvetljevanje problematike in tem, ki zanimajo mlade (zasvojenost, ksenofobija, spoznavanje drugih kultur enakopravno vključevanje mladih v družbeno življenje, ipd.). Poslanstvo skupine lahko na kratko označimo kot: prizadevanje za aktivno vključevanje mladih v različne kulturno umetniške dejavnosti, izvajanje neformalnega izobraževanja, omogočanje pridobivanja koristnih znanj in veščin s področja sodobnih medijskih umetnosti ter oblikovanje pozitivnih vrednot pri in promocijo mladinske kulture. Lansko leto (2016) je KUD Pozitiv s strani MZŠŠ in Urada za mladino prejel državno nagrado za delo v mladinskem sektorju.


INNOVAEurope The NGO InnovaEurope Association is supported by a group of friends, colleagues and dreamers created the last year. It is a new Association, founded by people with a long experience and actives at local, national and international level, taking part to different Programmes promoted and financed by the EU – especially within the “Youth in Action Programme” and now Erasmus Plus, in collaboration with other European and Extra-European partner countries. Our target is the group of young people who lives in the region Sicily, Italy. We have participated in several European activities such as youth exchanges, trainings and seminars, Study Visits, and Contact Making projects, mostly with European and Extra Eu countries. The main aim of our association is to foster youth participation of young people in civil society, to bring social changes, development and improvement of society where we live, using different tools and mainly focused in youth field. Our goal is to promote international mobility of youngsters through training courses, seminars and cultural exchanges abroad. Our idea is to disseminate the values of volunteering and social inclusion and to raise awareness about the importance of European citizenship. Moreover, we are deeply involved in promoting social inclusion of people and groups with fewer opportunities and European awareness at local level.


WE Center East and West Center is a NGO that was founded in 2008 and aims at: building institutional and individuals capacity, empowering youth to make positive change in their societies (National and International), and developing their social, economic, health and political life based on the values of human respect, dialogue, partnership and integration among individuals and society. The center focus on youth to empower them socially and politically.

WE Center Goals:
1. Building capacity in society through development and change using various creative tools.
2. Enhancing human morality and religious values.
3. Building local and international networks to support women, youth and world peace issues.
4. Empowering youth gender to improve their social, economic, health and political status.
5. Enhancing dialogue within societies; Nationally and Internationally.
6. Organizing and coordinating firm voluntary works which serve human society

The five main areas of interest of WE center:
1.Gender: The Center conducts studies and prepares periodical reports; to raise awareness on gender and promote gender equality and democratic enhancement Ex. Evaluation study measuring benficiency of youth initiatives implemented in Jordan.
2.Human resources development and advocacy campaigns: The Center provides institutions and individuals with capacity building skills through training, including: leadership, civic education, democracy , human rights, management, and basic life skills. The Center’s advocacy campaigns organize and prepare creative strategic plans for issues that need to be tackled. Ex. Youth Civic Education and Active Citizenship Project: promote democracy and active citizenship into social norms in remote areas, Build data collection, advocacy and youth mobilization capacities of CSO working on Civic education in Jordan, Provide youth and CSO’s in Jordan with accessible material on Civic education through the build-up of an Online Resource Centre, Empower youth in remote areas to become the motors of change in their communities through building an advocacy body, Build bridges between CSO’s and their young members, encouraged voluntary work, partnership with different organizations and taught youth how to start their advocacy campaigns; which all lead to more prosperous community.
3.Dialogue and international peace: The Center promotes dialogue culture and values of respect, accepting others, tolerance, understanding, etc.. mainly through Ambassadors For Dialogue (AFD) project and it’s various activities.
4.Human security: The Center concentrates on monitoring and observing human security violations and gaps in Jordan, and therefore start and create initiatives for economic, food, health, environmental, personal, community, and political security.
5.Volunteerism: The Center focuses on supporting youth volunteers to carry out voluntary work in their communities. The Center also advocates the institutionalization of voluntary work in civil society organizations.


Drama Club ,,Virus’ exists within High School ,,Filip Višnjić’’ . Two teachers of Drama and Literature work with students aged 15 to 18. Main goal of Drama Club is promoting Art, Theater and Music among high school students. In last five years students created drama plays, poetry performances, concerts. They participated in local theater festivals for high school students. At this moment there are 65 members participating in Drama Club.

Rock school Mostar – the school that rocks – deluje v prostorih Muzičkog centra Pavarotti ter nudi glasbeno izobraževanje posameznikom in skupinam. Poleg individualnih poučevanj organizira tudi delavnice z znanimi glasbeniki, koncerte, snemanja in predavanja na temo glasbene industrije, teorije in poslovanja. Združuje ljudi v širši okolici, ki si želijo kariere na področju glasbe. V sami osnovi je Rock school Mostar svojevrsta glasbena šola, ki temelji na urbanem in neklasičnem pristopu h glasbi. Poleg koncertov, ki jih organizirajo, sodelujejo tudi na mednarodni ravni s tujimi državami, kot sta Slovenija in Makedonija.

Ljubljana, 02.08.2021 – 14.08.2021


Matic Kraševec, koordinator projekta
Matic Kraševec, rojen leta 1983,  je povezan s skupino Pozitiv že od samih začetkov, sodeloval je že pri organizaciji preteklih izmenjav. Je diplomiran pravnik, aktiven v sektorju nevladnih organizacij že vrsto let. Organiziral je številne izmenjave, seminarje ter izobraževanja v okviru Društva evropsko usmerjenih študentov, deloval kot mentor za erasmus študente, kot vodja prostovoljnih delovnih taborov na Islandiji, pa tudi kot pravni svetovalec pri Centru za razvoj nevladnih organizacij, kot turistični vodič ter kot pravni zastopnik za prosilce za azil. Trenutno je zaposlen kot vodja hostla ter opravlja  funkcijo koordinatorja   izmenjave.

Drago Pintarič, profesor zgodovine in sociologije, pedagog in mentor za medijske in scenske dejavnosti na področju mladinskega dela. Je ustanovitelj in vodja skupine in nevladne organizacije KUD Pozitiv, ki deluje v okviru Dijaškega doma Ivana Cankarja iz Ljubljane. Kot so-avtor in glavni koordinator je sodeloval pri pripravi in izvedbi številnih projektov, ki so bili odobreni in sofinancirani s strani Ministrstva za šolstvo RS, Ministrstva za kulturo RS, Mesta Ljubljane, programov Evropske komisije (program Mladina in Mladi v akciji), Evropske kulturne fondacije, ipd. V zadnjih 25. letih dela z mladimi je ustvaril tim mladih ljudi, s katerimi sodeluje in izvaja projekte mednarodnih izmenjav. Pričujoča izmenjava je 11 po vrsti, financirana s strani Evropske komisije (program Mladina, Mladi v akciji, Erasmus+).

Žan Dolinar, rojen 1994, se je skupini Pozitiv pridružil v letu 2010. V okolje Dijaškega doma Ivana Cankarja je uvedel uporabo digitalnih kanalov za komunikacijo z mladimi. V Pozitivu že petič sodeluje pri pripravi in izvedbi mladinskih izmenjav BITI. Sodeloval je tudi z Litvansko asociacijo neformalnega izobraževanja, kjer se je učil uporabe in implementacije digitalnih potrdil in drugih digitalnih sredstev v neformalnem izobraževanju.

Nina Golob, rojena leta 1982, diplomirana bibliotekarka, zaposlena v Dijaškem domu Ivana Cankarja, fotografinja in mentorica, ki raziskuje analogne fotografske tehnike,  mentorica domske literarne revije, urednica različnih publikacij, urednica različnih multimedijskih in spletnih vsebin, zadolžena tudi za družbena omrežja in spletne strani. Leta 2012 se je pridružila skupini Pozitiv, kjer kot članica različnih projektnih timov med drugim sodeluje tudi pri realizaciji mednarodnih izmenjav mladih. Sodelovala je v treh predhodnih izmenjavah, kjer je vodila skupino za  dokumentiranje, raziskovanje, evalvacijo in spremljanje, katere naloga je bila tudi vrednotenje in certificiranje novo pridobljenih kompetenc, znanj in veščin v projektu, Youthpass. Kot urednica je sodelovala pri izdaji publikacij nastalih v projektu.

Miha Maver, rojen leta 1979, je diplomirani inženir arhitekture in urbanizma. Študij je končal na Fakulteti za Arhitekturo v Ljubljani. Je eden izmed prvih članov skupine KUD Pozitiv. Kot mentor je leta 2011 začel delati v teatru in skupini KUD Pozitiv, kjer je v somentorstvu ustvaril več celovečernih plesno gledaliških predstav: Hrabri novi svet, Matica, Maya, Popotniki, #REALNOST, Amaranth ter predstava Wetiko. Njegovi projekti vključujejo tudi scenografsko delo in oblikovanje svetlobe, saj dela tudi kot lučkarski tehnik. V zadnjih 10. letih je delal kot mentor, koordinator programa in vodja delavnic v KUD Pozitiv. Vključen je bil tudi v realizacijo treh predhodnih mednarodnih mladinskih projektov ter veliko drugih delavnic povezanih s tem področjem. Bil je eden od glavnih urednikov Kreatorij TV, kjer je bilo v letu 2020 in 2021 ustvarjenih 20 oddaj.

Boštjan Božič, rojen leta 1979, neodvisen, svoboden vizualni umetnik, mentor in svobodni predavatelj na področju fotografije, videa in multimedije. Od leta 2010 se profesionalno ukvarja s pedagoškim delom, na področju formalnega in neformalnega izobraževanja. Kot bivši profesor na srednjih šolah in VIST-u sodeluje na številnih projektih povezanih z multimedijskimi aplikacijami in izražanjem s sliko in zvokom doma in tujini. Zadnje desetletje kot mentor uspešno vodi »VideoSvet« – video delavnico KUD-a Pozitiv v Dijaškem domu Ivana Cankarja, kjer je trenutno zaposlen kot vzgojitelj. Kot mentor je vodil video delavnico tudi v predhodnih izmenjavah projekta BITI.

Radovan Jaušovec, rojen leta 1983, samozaposleni v kulturi. Po končani osnovni šoli je šolanje nadaljeval v Ljubljani na Srednji šoli za oblikovanje in fotografijo. V tem času se je začel aktivno ukvarjati z gledališčem (fizično in eksperimentalno gledališče), oblikovanjem svetlobe ter filmom in videom, kot sodobnim komunikacijskim sredstvom. Kot avtor in soavtor je ustvaril več gledaliških in filmskih projektov, ter sodeloval na mladinskih mednarodnih izmenjavah. Za svoja dela je prejel več domačih in mednarodnih nagrad. Trenutno deluje kot predsednik KUD-a Samosvoj in član KUD-a Pozitiv ter zunanji sodelavec in mentor pri obeh omenjenih organizacijah.

Urška Klajn, rojena leta 1989, je po osnovni šoli v Radečah obiskovala Gimnazijo Celje Center in kasneje vpisala študij na ljubljanski Filozofski fakulteti. Je diplomirana umetnostna zgodovinarka in magistrica profesorica slovenistike. Poučuje slovenščino na osnovni šoli v Ljubljani in se že več kot 15 let aktivno ukvarja z ljubiteljsko kulturo; vodi prireditve, piše scenarije, režira predstave ter trenutno kot igralka sodeluje v domačem gledališkem društvu v Vrhovem ter v Šentjakobskem gledališču Ljubljana. Za svoje gledališke vloge je v okviru mnogih festivalov v organizaciji JSKD prejela že več nagrad na širšem regijskem nivoju, med drugim dvakrat nagrado regijskega selektorja za glavno žensko vlogo v okviru Linhartovega srečanja, za inovativen pristop k režiji je bila nagrajena na srbskem festivalu za mlade gledališke skupine, DOPS, ki se vsakoletno odvija v mestu Jagodina. Od leta 2016 je tudi članica KUD Pozitiv, kjer kot mentorica ustvarja predstave z dramsko gledališko skupino »Ivan Cankar«, zelo aktivno pa se ukvarja tudi s sinhronizacijo risank in drugih televizijskih vsebin za otroke in mlade.

Damir Čobo, born on July 19th, 1994 Dado comes from Kakanj, Bosnia and Herzegovina, where he started to perform in theaters at the age of 12 in order to escape and oppose the Bosnian segregation politics. He has a BA in Drama (acting/directing) from Bennington College. While studying, he worked on numerous performing arts projects and workshops as an actor, dancer, director, choreographer, and a lighting designer. During his time at Bennington Dado joined Theatre Without Borders where he remained active. After his graduation he moved to NYC where he continued to follow the light and create. He had learned from and collaborated with powerful and inspiring artists such as Jim Houghton, Tina Landau, Charles Mee, Tuce Yasak, Daria Fain, Marjani Forte, and many others. In 2018 he started working as an IB Theatre Arts teacher at United World College in Mostar. Soon after moving to Mostar he joined Mostar Youth Theatre ensemble where he’s worked as an actor and director on various plays. Recently he worked on the new movie by Jasmila Žbanić Quo Vadis Aida, where he took on the role of an art department assistant and an art director assistant. Dado is currently the chair of the United World College National Committee for Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Valentina Vanja Vidaković was born in 1975 in the town of Tuzla in Bosnia and Herzegovina. She lived in Sarajevo, Sabac, Novi Sad and Belgrade. She decided to settle longer in the town of Bijeljina in Bosnia where she currently works as a teacher of Serbian language and literature at High School Filip Visnjic. This is where she founded her drama club ”Virus” together with a colleague of hers. In this drama club she works as the producer and director, and, so far she created a few remarkable plays which are mainly based around the most current issues that the young people are facing with in our modern society. Valentina’s plays  competed on several international festivals, and, she was awarded the first prize as the best director at the International drama festival in Romania. She is also engaged in some part time work in liaison with the Theatre of Bijeljina where she directed two poetry plays. In her creative career she took part in a few international seminars in Israel and America; their themes were the Holocaust and media literacy. Valentina successfully attended a seminar in Drama Based Pedagogy and became a Master Teacher of DBP. She is also one of the authors of the two books published by her school. She also proofread and edited the novel ” Twisted mind’ by Branko Golubovic, lead singer of the band Goblini. She is an ongoing educator committed to the work with the young people because she truly believes in the coming changes and wishes not to leave the sinking ship.

Orhan Maslo, rojen leta 1978, direktor (in ustanovitelj) Rock šole iz Mostarja, glasbenik, menager in producent ter glasbeni pedagog. Kot avtor je sodeloval z velikimi imeni evropske glasbe (npr. Brian Enno) ter bil tudi dolgoletni član znane skupine Dubioza Kolektiv, je hkrati tudi direktor mednarodnega Mostar Blues & Rock Festivala in tudi menager studia v Pavarotti centru v Mostarju. Ob vseh navedenih referencah pa velja v luči prijavljenega projekta omeniti predvsem njegove pedagoške – mentorske kvalitete. Z Orhanom sodelujemo sedaj že v četrtem projektu. Kot mentor Rock delavnice uspeva animirati in angažirati mlade za sodelovanje v projektu ter jim pomaga pri učenju in pridobivanju novih znanj in veščin, ki jih mladi pozneje s pridom uporabijo.

Matej Markovič, rojen leta 1988, je po zaključku Osnovne šole Ivana Cankarja v Ljutomeru šolanje nadaljeval na ljubljanski Srednji šoli za oblikovanje in fotografijo, kjer je maturiral iz Industrijskega oblikovanja. Študij je nadaljeval na Fakulteti za dizajn v Trzinu, smer Vizualne komunikacije. Od leta 2010 živi in dela v Ljubljani, primarno na področju grafičnega oblikovanja ter tudi slikarstva (Murska Sobota, Ljubljana, Ljutomer) grafitiranja oz. street arta, fotografije in tetoviranja. Kot scenograf in rekviziter je sodeloval pri slovenskih televizijskih serijah (Reka ljubezni, Usodno vino) ter oglasih različnih produkcijskih hiš (perfo produkcija, temma-x). Od srednje šole je aktiven član KUD-a Pozitiv, kjer je sodeloval kot performer in sokreiral mnoge predstave. Je mentor umetostnih delavnic in aktivni udeleženec mnogih Pozitivovih projektov.

Patrik Komljenović je ilustrator, rojen leta 1998. Od otroštva se ni kaj preveč spremenilo, še vedno rad poprime za barvice, svinčnike, si umaže roke, razmeče svojo delovno površino, a vedno nekaj ustvarja. Leta 2012 je začel sodelovati z založbo Smar-Team d.o.o. kot mladi illustrator, kar ga je tudi popeljalo na kreativno pot šolanja na Srednji šoli za oblikovanje in in fotografijo v Ljubljani. Preko raznih razpisov, natečajev in možnosti kreativnega ustvarjanja v KUD-u Pozitiv je za svojo študijsko pot izbral študij vizualnih komunikacij na smeri ilustracije na Akademiji za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje v Ljubljani. V raziskovanju diplomskega dela se je osredotočil na oblikovanje stripa in izvedel delavnico stripa za otroke slovenskih družin na Veleposlaništvu Republike Slovenije v Berlinu. Trenutno se na magistrskem študiju ilustracije posveča osebnemu likovnemu izrazu in svoje ideje prikazuje v oblikovanju in ilustriranju knjig, oblikovanju gledaliških plakatov, skozi pasice v stripih in skozi mnoge ilustracije, ki jih ustvarja.

Jaber M.R. Elmasry, ustanovitelj in direktor firme Vaš sosed d.o.o. Ustanovitelj in direktor Zavoda Nur, zavod za arabske študije, deluje kot učitelj arabščine in organizira delavnice o zeliščih in začimbah ter o permukulturi. Koordinator in prevajalec pri projektu rehabilitacije otrok iz Gaze na pobudo predsednika Slovenje, dr. Danila Turka. Projekt je bil izvajan preko slovenske organizacije ITF (mednarodna ustanova-fundacja za razminiranje in pomoč žrtvam). Ima permukulturni vrt v Sloveniji že od leta 2010, v Gazi je postavil in vzdrževal permukulturni vrt na strehi hiše, imeli so kmetijo in nasad pomaranč. Goji prepelice, zajce in kokoši, ki so tudi del permukulture. Sedaj ima permukulturni projekt v Motniku, katerega eden od namenov je vključevanje mladih, ki so odvisni od ikt, da pridobijo občutek za naravo in da se učijo pridelovanja zdrave hrane.

Mahmoud Hishmah,  is the director of WE Center since 2008. He has worked as responsible for the non-formaleducation program for underprivileged children , and as a trainer since 2001 in the field of Human Rights , Gender, Advocacy , and TOT. He trained thousands people in Different Arab countries. He’s an activist Women issues and youth ,he’s also interested in the field of Interfaith dialogue. Mahmoud has Master degree in Population Studies / Sociology, He have different articles and publications in political and Human rights issues.

Afnan Halloush is a project manager who has been working in WE center for 6 years, who is the single point of contact for most of the center’s projects. She managed more than 8 projects. Afnan is an enthusiastic volunteer for several organizations and initiatives for charity, local community development, human rights, advocacy, and social engagement. She participated in different exchanges related to the program topic, Therefore, I believe she could be a great asset that could benefit the project and she is responsible of the administration work.


Ljubljana, 02.08.2021 – 14.08.2021


Delavnica za permakulturo

Beseda permakultura izhaja iz besed “trajno”, kar pomeni trajnostno, in “kultura”, ki se nanaša na odnos.
Izhodišče je ekološka pridelave hrane, ker pa je vse med seboj povezano, se permakultura razteza na vsa področja človekovega bivanja. Pomen permakulture je v ohranjanju življenja na planetu: ohranjanju in izboljšanju čiste vode, zraka, rodovitnih tal, kakovostnem življenju vseh živih bitij v različnih življenjskih okoljih …
Permakultura trdi, da je mogoče živeti v naravnem okolju, ko je vse v ravnovesju. Temelji na treh pomembnih sestavinah, ki jih je treba živeti uravnoteženo:
• etika
• ekologija
• ekonomija
V delavnici bo predstavljena filozofija permakulture, ki kot način razmišljanja obsega vsa področja človeške eksistence, poudarek pa bo na praktičnem delu.
Po principih permakulture bomo postavili visoko gredo ter poskusno tudi viseče grede, primerne za pridelavo hrane v urbanem okolju.
Tekom izmenjave bomo obiskali tudi Permakulturni inšitut v Mariboru ter kmetijo pri Trojanah, kjer nam bo na praktičnih primerih predstavljeno permakulturno pridelovanje hrane.

Video production workshop

How to show and express yourself with a moving image, photo, video, so that it is viewable, informative, clearly and unambiguously. The medium that will really interest us and that we will work with during the exchange is the camera.
In the workshop, we will get to know the video in all the dimensions it offers us, discover its limits of what is possible in the existing environment and with the available resources..
In the process of the video workshop, we will walk through all the stages of creating a concrete work, from the idea to the final product. We will deal with the questions of how to create good, quality and useful videos. We will learn how to use the camera properly, how to position it properly for a suitable and good shot, how to combine several different shots, equip them with graphics and line them with music. We will learn the basics of film language – filming and editing

Street art and grafite workshop

In the workshop, we will explore the topic of this year’s project “Permacool” through various media.
Through the work process, the participants of the workshop will develop and strengthen their knowledge and skills in the field of graphic design, visual arts, scenography and graffiti techniques.
The workshop will be divided into several sections, and participants will participate and connect with other workshops. Every day we will look for artistic solutions and answers to the questions that are raised in the process of analysing of our topic.

Dance theater workshop

The workshop will use speech and physical theater, live music will be included in collaboration with the Rock workshop, multimedia tools and practices will be used in collaboration with the video workshop, and scenography will be created in the Street art workshop.
The final production will be aimed at the audience, which will be physically present during the performance at the closing event, and at the same time at the audience, which will be able to watch the final event live via streaming.

Documentation, research, evaluation and monitoring group

The group participates and liaises with all other workshops; researches the work process, documents the events in the workshops on a daily basis and takes care of the real-time publication of photos, videos and recordings on social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Youtube) and the website. The task of the group is also to evaluate and certify the newly acquired competencies, knowledge and skills in the project, for which the Youthpass tool is used.
Group members gain knowledge in the field of social networks, website editing, knowledge certification, where they will create Youthpass certificates for other exchange participants, photo processing, get acquainted with editorial work and learn open communication and teamwork.

Ljubljana, 02.08.2021 – 14.08.2021


DAY 1 2. August 2021

14:00 - 18:00Welcoming the participants, accommodation in the hostelReception at Dijaški dom Ivana Cankarja, building A
19:00DinnerBuilding B
20:30Presentation of participants, get-to-know-each-other eveningBuilding A

DAY 2 3. August 2021

08:00BreakfastBuilding B
09:00Crew meeting (youth leaders, mentors, organizers) - confirming the daily schedule, detailed planning of the execution of workshops (who, what, how)Room 7
10:00Joint meeting of all participants, establishing the work plan, distribution of 'info-packages' (contact numbers, city map, Ljubljana basic information, booklets of Erasmus+ programme, about exchange itself,…)
assigning participants to specific workshops. Preparation for workshops.
13:00LunchBuilding B
14:00Sightseeing / Walking up the castle hillMeeting point - Building A
17:00Presentation of the topic of exchange (permaculture) and suggestions for work in groups (Drago)Gallery
19:00DinnerBuilding B
20:30Presentation of Slovenian groupGallery

DAY 3 4. August 2021

08:00BreakfastBuilding B
09:00Crew meeting (youth leaders, mentors, organizers) - confirming the daily schedule, detailed planning of the execution of workshops (who, what, how)Room 7
Permaculture Outside, infront of building A
VideoPozitiv room
StreetartOutside, infront of building A
MusicRehersal rooms, basement building A
13:00LunchBuilding B
19:00DinnerBuilding B
21:00Movie night & dabate: Greta (documentary)Outside, building A,/ in case of bad weather - Kreatorij

DAY 4 5. August 2021

08:00BreakfastBuilding B
09:00Crew meeting (youth leaders, mentors, organizers) - confirming the daily schedule, detailed planning of the execution of workshops (who, what, how)Room 7
10:00Jordanian workshopBuilding A
13:00LunchBuilding B
15:30Jordanian workshopBuilding A
19:00DinnerBuilding B
21:00Sicilian evening / presentation of the INNOVAErope GroupOutside, building A,/ in case of bad weather - inside in the gallery

DAY 5 6. August 2021

08:00BreakfastBuilding B
09:00Crew meeting (youth leaders, mentors, organizers) - confirming the daily schedule, detailed planning of the execution of workshops (who, what, how)Room 7
09:30Field trip to the countryside: visiting the permacultural farm in Motnik / Trojane village.Meeting point - Building A
20:00DJ LUNA eveningOutside, building A,/ in case of bad weather - Kreatorij

DAY 6 7. August 2021

08:00BreakfastBuilding B
09:00Crew meeting (youth leaders, mentors, organizers) - confirming the daily schedule, detailed planning of the execution of workshops (who, what, how)Room 7
13:00LunchBuilding B
19:00DinnerBuilding B
21:00Bjeljiina group presentationinfront of building A / Gallery

DAY 7 8. August 2021

08:00BreakfastBuilding B
09:00Crew meeting (youth leaders, mentors, organizers) - confirming the daily schedule, detailed planning of the execution of workshops (who, what, how)Room 7
9:30Team building activitiesInfront of building A
13:00LunchBuilding B
19:00DinnerBuilding B
21:00Jordanian evening – East-West center for sustainable development - presentationinfront of building A / Gallery

DAY 8 9. August 2021

08:00BreakfastBuilding B
09:00Crew meeting (youth leaders, mentors, organizers) - confirming the daily schedule, detailed planning of the execution of workshops (who, what, how)Room 7
9:30Team buildingInfront of A
13:00LunchBuilding B
19:00DinnerBuilding B
21:00Hercegovski evening - presentation of participants of Rock School Mostarinfront of building A / Gallery

DAY 9 10. August 2021

08:00BreakfastBuilding B
09:00Crew meeting (youth leaders, mentors, organizers) - confirming the daily schedule, detailed planning of the execution of workshops (who, what, how)Room 7
9:30Team buildingInfront of building A
13:00LunchBuilding B
19:00DinnerBuilding B
21:00Theater performance KUD Pozitiv: Fre(u)ndsinfront of building A / Gallery

DAY 10 11. August 2021

08:00BreakfastBuilding B
09:00Crew meeting (youth leaders, mentors, organizers) - confirming the daily schedule, detailed planning of the execution of workshops (who, what, how)Room 7
13:00LunchBuilding B
19:00DinnerBuilding B
21:00Movie night: Waste land & Salgadoinfront of building A / Gallery

DAY 11 12. August 2021

08:00BreakfastBuilding B
09:00Crew meeting (youth leaders, mentors, organizers) - confirming the daily schedule, detailed planning of the execution of workshops (who, what, how)Room 7
13:00LunchBuilding B
16:00public roundtable of participants in the exchange with guests, experts in the field of youth work and ecology "BEING permakul"infront of building A / Gallery
16:00Rehersal for the evening "integral production"
19:00DinnerBuilding B
21:00presentation of the final integral production of the project: "BEING PERMAKUL"infront of building A / Gallery

DAY 12 13. August 2021

08:00BreakfastBuilding B
09:00Crew meeting (youth leaders, mentors, organizers) - confirming the daily schedule, detailed planning of the execution of workshops (who, what, how)Room 7
13:00LunchBuilding B
16:00evaluation, plenary assembly of all participants, awarding the Youth passes, electronic badgesinfront of building A
19:00DinnerBuilding B
21:00FAREWELL PARTYinfront of building A / Gallery

DAY 13 14. August 2021

08:00BreakfastBuilding B
09:00Departure of participants

Ljubljana, 02.08.2021 – 14.08.2021


Ljubljana, 02.08.2021 – 14.08.2021
